It felt like a long project with a house move stuck in the middle but i'm happy now it's done!
As far as painting i didn't want to stray too far from the original colour scheme but i did tweak it a little by adding a little more gold on the backpack for contrast.
When i scultped this miniature i always imagined him stood on a cliff top surveying a battle picking out the best warriors. I decided to theme the base around this idea, keeping it simple but giving him that setting.
I hope you like, cheers! Darren.
Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"
Such a well done clean paint job. Very nice :) The sculpt and the painting give that sense of foreboding. The Old Wolf looks like I pictured in my head when I read the sagas!Dimitris Gallikas
very nice and clean!!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Razza ...your da best matey!!!goldMax Faleij
truly amazing work! (as always) GOLD!Gareth Nicholas (glazed over)
Fantastic sculpt, super smooth paint job. Gold!Jose_A_Alfonso
really well done, gold.