This one is a commision as a second version for Mumi, it was made by Joaquin Palacios and Paolo Parente as a concept artist.
It was a dificult project because the white color is so hard to paint it, I would like know your opinion if I got a great result or not :)
I hope you like it and share it ;)
* If you want to get a copy you can buy it at Coolminiornot shop, at http://www.terriblekidsstuff.com/product/ninja-lady is sold out.
* https://www.coolminiornot.com/shop/ninja-lady-limited-edition.html <--------------------- link for buy it .
Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"
I have a real soft spot for ninjas! Great work :)Jason Zhou
Wow, the monochromic style painting for this Ninja lady. Really amazing!Roman LappatPLUS
Like her a lot! Beautifully done. White is not as hard to paint if you do not paint straight white. Biggest Problem Painters have in painting white or black is that they often just use pure white or pure black. Love your whites!Domenico Mimmo "Nightmare"
Ya te lo dije en su día, me parece la ostia. De acuerdo con Roman, Aqui demuestras lo que sabes sobre pintura, el gusto para el color, y encima con buena técnica. Chapó!Gionata Santisi
Wonderful!!!!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
This is such an amazing perfect paintjob...I'm giving you a gold for this.Scott Hockley
G.O.L.D. or more to the point, W.H.I.T.E! ^_^Alex ✍
Amazing! I love, love, love it! Best, AlexJohn Keys aka megazord_manPLUS
Amazing - I hope we can see this at Monte!Lee Hebblethwaite (10 ball)