My latest work is a diorama called "Californication".
Somewhere in the deserts of California, two brothers waits to give you their services! lol
Figures sculpted with beesputty and for the terrain i used balsa woods, metallic parts, milliput, green stuff, fimo and filler for the wall.
Everything on it, are scratchbuild, except the bike and machine gun, that are from Italeris several kits.
This is a personal project, got made for fun, but in case someone is interesting for the master sculpt, is for sale.
For offers mail at: or send request here.
Well hope you like it.
Thanks for watching and rate!
John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Best you e er did reallyStavros Zouliatis
Thank you John, i appreciate it a lot mate :)Archontis Kitsios
A 'miniature tale' indeed. Complete and finely crafted. Well done!Stavros Zouliatis
Thank you so much Archonti, so glad you like it !!!! :)George Tsougkouzidis
great work my friend !!!Stavros Zouliatis
Thanks mate, i appreciate it a lot :)Erich_Strasser
Perfect sculping, great scene! GoldStavros Zouliatis
Thanks a lot Erich, so glad you like it :)