This is my first post on putty and my last personal work.
It took me two long weeks to finish this awesome piece sculpted by Allan Carasco.
It is all in white metal so a little bit hard to work on, due to the hight weight.
I finish it the day before the FIMAJE at Antibes in the end of november 2014 where it took gold in master painting.
Contests are a good way for me to finish my personal mini and to improve my painting at his best.
I would like to make him wise, powerful and calm before the hunt.
A lot off different technics was used with airbrush and brush. 90% off the work was done by the brush.
I enjoy a lot painting this miniature, don't know where I gone but I was following my creativity like a long trip to an unknown place. I progress slowly on it to achieve the final result.
So hard to say if it s finish or not at the end but after share it with other artists and friends, I find it finish.
Thanks to Vittorio of Sergent black art to give me the opportunity to paint it before the real release, and I am happy to get the number 2.
Comment are very welcome.
(Sorry the photo are not very well, hard to take it)
I will take news photos, I see they are too bad and the background is not appropriate! LolJerome "Myrddin" Servais
Une très belle pièce Julien, je suis content que tu ais eu un code.Julien_Reymond"Alabonnepeindouille"
Merci Jérome!!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Best version of this award winner goldJulien_Reymond"Alabonnepeindouille"
Thanks John!Stavros Zouliatis
Despite of the "bad" pics, we can see that this is a brilliant and awesome work!!!! I ll agree with John Margiotta, one of the best version of this model! .... congrats !!!Julien_Reymond"Alabonnepeindouille"
Thanks Stavros!CedricBataille-Petitpedestre
Une très belle mise en couleur qui fait honneur à la sculpture. J'adore !,Julien_Reymond"Alabonnepeindouille"
Merci bien!Jonathan Hart
This is brilliant! I love the skin tones, it has made me think a lot about different ways to paint Orcs. The sculpt is amazing. Great work.Julien_Reymond"Alabonnepeindouille"
Thanks!Ricardo Pisa
Love the paint and the model!Julien_Reymond"Alabonnepeindouille"
Thanks!Max Faleij
love it! gold! :)Julien_Reymond"Alabonnepeindouille"
Thanks a lot!BillyB
i didn't know it was yours,i always liked this piece!Julien_Reymond"Alabonnepeindouille"
thanks ;-)