This mini was a blast as it was based around the Black Hats known to the masses as the Iron Brigade during the American Civil War. I picked this up from FeR miniatures a while back and had a great time painting it. Once complete I went in and dirtied it up so he didn't look as pristine since he would have been a soldier on the march. The only major change I made from the original cast was the removal of the bayonet from the rifle as it broke off one day when I knocked my table. I hope you like it and feel free to follow my future works at
I really hope that people take a second look at this guy and vote for it. I think the simplicity of it all is what causes people to gloss over it, but if you look closely it is very technically well painted. Good work!
Thank you for your kind words. The grass is a mixture of three different ones I bought at Hobby Bunker a while back. The foundation is built out of cork.
Very nice work, i like the figure an the base.
The ACW is a very popular topic for me. My first busts are from Verlinden, the North and South Collection.
my next processes deal with the ACW
Hello , I am not only interested in painting figures of the ACW . It is the entire development of the rule america history in this period.
The ACW was a big step in the history of your country.
Ben Baird
I love the base. So simple but looks very real. What type of grass did you use?Ben Baird
I really hope that people take a second look at this guy and vote for it. I think the simplicity of it all is what causes people to gloss over it, but if you look closely it is very technically well painted. Good work!Alexander Akers
Thank you for your kind words. The grass is a mixture of three different ones I bought at Hobby Bunker a while back. The foundation is built out of cork.NilsStratmann
Very nice work, i like the figure an the base. The ACW is a very popular topic for me. My first busts are from Verlinden, the North and South Collection. my next processes deal with the ACWAlexander Akers
Thank you, I am a huge ACW fan too the point of even doing reenacting of that period. I'm glad you like it and more are too come.NilsStratmann
Hello , I am not only interested in painting figures of the ACW . It is the entire development of the rule america history in this period. The ACW was a big step in the history of your country.Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Very good work , pretty simple, but looks cool