Even though the chief is old and touched by silver
In his heart beats the rhythm that stirred in his early years

Deep within him beats the Jungle can you hear its booming drums?
That warm music will never end even when his days are done

For the rhythm flows out to join anew with all his tribal brothers
Who pick up the flow and add their own so the music never dies
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Excellent work on the headress...in favs list and I vote gold
    • Matt DiPietro

      Thanks John... I will be explaining how the headdress was made in an article soon.
  • Siggi Hauke

    A cool interpretation of this bust! Good job!
  • Archontis Kitsios

  • Luke 'atacam' Wilson

    Excellent work. This is the ONLY version of this bust I have seen that I like. My only critique is I think the base is a big distraction from the model.
    • Matt DiPietro

      I'm glad this version is doing it for you Luke. Perhaps the base works better in person it looks very glossy in the photos but thanks for the honest feed back!
  • Alex ✍

    Looks fantastic!
  • Dirk R.

    Excellent ! Wonderful paintjob !
  • Mark "Liffy44" Lifton

    Great job - wonderfully moody
  • Jorge "Ayora" Castellano

    Guauuu Matt
  • JensRosenbaum "Didgman"

    Wonderfull interpretation of this bust , I like the bust by itself but what you did to it is just awesome !!
    • Matt DiPietro

      Thanks! I like seeing things a little different :-P
  • Sergey Popovichenko

    So cool! Great job! These feathers are a great solution!
  • Domenico Mimmo "Nightmare"

  • Ben Snyder (Demihuman)

    Love the feathers, but I think the paint on the tiger skin and how his eyes seem to reflect it, is the show stopper.
  • Anthony Wang

    The textures are all super unique...from the tiger skin, to the skin wrinkles, to the horns. All amazingly realistic...nice work Matt!!
  • Ben Baird

    Absolutely deserves the 60+ votes this has received. Bravo! Hey, I am from the Seattle area as well. I'd like to talk with you in private if possible. If you have a CoolMini account, I could reach you there? I'm known as BloodFather of Kharnath over there :)
    • Matt DiPietro

      Thanks Ben :-) I'm not on coolmini very much but feel free to friend me on Facebook.
  • Fulvio"jumanji"Pagliettini

    Great painting