Representa un soldado romano de la Legion Aquila en el duro invierno
anterior a la desaparicion de la legion en britania.
Fue todo un placer pintar esta miniatura..
Oro en Monte San Savino 2014. Master historico
Miniature gift of Nuts planet. :D
Represents a Roman soldier aquila legion in the winter
before the disappearance of the legion in britania
It was a pleasure to paint it..
Gold in Monte San Savino Show 2014. Historical master
Impresionante, dominas el color de manera magistralAntonio Rodriguez
De lo que mas me gustó en Mss de su categoria....AdrianSanchez
Muchas gracias chicos! :DPierreYves"LordB"Geneste
Skin tones and all the rest are majestuous!!!!Alex ✍
I think you are soo good as I told you in Monte! This is by far the best version of this bust!Matthieu Roueche - "Blabla"
wow...perfect painting on this nice buste! Love it!AdrianSanchez
Thanks you very much! :DJohn Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
The whole environment you achieved here is amazing.what youve done is set a mood and environment with nothing to work with except this bust..I can feel the cold biting his face...truly awesome painting.Jason Zhou
Superb!Jeff Burns "Tinman"
Favorite.Luca Riva
The most interesting and expressive version I saw of this bust. Love the skin and atmosphere. Also the metallics are really good.