traditional Pre Show Parties at the German Games Day 2012: Enter each Category in the next year´s GD. To keep things more challenging, we would be allowed only 1 (!) Day to build our Project and 1(!!) Day to paint it (the full 24 hours).
I wanted to create the Image of a kind of “Anti Knights”, Rough Riders that are invading from the prairie
into the Village or a small fortress. Their Wolves had to look extremely infuriated. Note that the
Hobgoblins control them through fine leashes that are driven through their Earlobes. It must be very
painful and thus effective to stear a wolf like that.
Since every Warband needs a Leader, I chose a Goblin Shaman with a Standard to be leading the pack.
The general composition of the Wolves should create an Atmosphere of Velocity, Wildness and Mayhem.
The Anarchic Spirit of the Goblins was increased by several flying straps and the fact that one is about to
ride through the river bank, ignoring the bridge completely.
If you look closely, you will find a poor Villager desperately trying to hide from the Raiding Hobgoblins. In
my imagination he will manage to escape the attack and build a small, peaceful herb farm afterwards.
This Project will be exhibited at the MuMi, Museum of Miniatures (2015).
Please download the following PDF if you want to know all about this Project...And thank you for your time! :D
Hi Matt, tolles Projekt. Ich finde Du hast das bemerkenswert hinbekommen in so kurzer Zeit. Ich finde es toll wie Du mit so viel Mühe, Geduld und Zeit diese besondere Tiefe in deine Projekte bringst. Vielen Dank fürs zeigen. Liebe Grüße SashJohn Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Excellent use of 40k wolves.Max Faleij
awesome as usual! :)