Verlinden Productions bust,enhanced with scratchbuilt bow and battle standard.
  • Kurt "Darkezekiel" Knittelfelder

    Amazing, I like the colours you have used, especially the skin tones and the blood effects.
    • Brian Smith

      Many thanks Kurt,I'm glad you liked it my friend.
  • Oliver Posvek (Colouristo)

    Dear Brian, you have posted a lot at once. Out of these figures this one is one of my favourites. In general I think that you have a very specific usage of colour scheme in all your works. Which is quite different. Congratulation!
    • Brian Smith

      Many thanks Oliver,I have been told many times by different painters that I have a unique and recognisable style which is a nice compliment,many thanks for your kind comments my friend,I'm glad you liked it.
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Death be not proud. But the painting you should be very proud of Brian.
    • Brian Smith

      I'm pleased you liked the result john,many thanks for your comments and taking the time to look
  • Sergey Popovichenko
