This is my latest bust, from young miniatures, 1/10 scale, I call him Roman handsome guy, looking at the color scheme in the thumbnail I thought it was Superman, haha, I hope you like it too
Here is a question, may I ask which friends can help me, why I post the site, the picture looks low degree of saturation? How do you fix it? Thank you.
It need the resolution 1200 wight, and if your pics have more - site will low it by itself and destroy quality. You should low the resolution to 1200(or 1199) before uploading pics to the site)
Lovely miniature. Historically speaking, both blue and white colours at that time were really difficult to obtain. The handsome chap would have been a high-rank nobleman or a Senator. The latter almost impossible due to his young age and his military attire.
Notwithstanding, a solid gold.
Sorry, I realised right now that I wrote white instead of red colour. This was the most sought after colour obtained from a sort of mussel. If you look at the iconography of emperors etc. of that time, it was almost an index of their status.
Hope it might be useful. Again, your figurine is cracking.
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Awesome jobEduardo Garcia Lope
Extraordinary work, beautiful colors and superb technique and result with metals.dengyi zhao
Thank you, my friend, and your sincere comments.Roman LappatPLUS
Really nice paintjob. Has a feeling of a Kirill Kanaev piece from colors and techniques. Really well done! Like it a lot!dengyi zhao
I was inspired by him a lot, no doubt about it.❤️dengyi zhao
Here is a question, may I ask which friends can help me, why I post the site, the picture looks low degree of saturation? How do you fix it? Thank you.Nik "Surovye Skazki" Panfilov
It need the resolution 1200 wight, and if your pics have more - site will low it by itself and destroy quality. You should low the resolution to 1200(or 1199) before uploading pics to the site)Nik "Surovye Skazki" Panfilov
1200 width*Nik "Surovye Skazki" Panfilov
Cool nmm and leather! Gold!dengyi zhao
Thank you, friend. Now I understand what's going on. You helped me solve this problem.Franky2PLUS
GoldVitaly Lapshin
干得好,我欠你金子!dengyi zhao
谢谢!thank youStefano Deliperi 'Davout'PLUS
Lovely miniature. Historically speaking, both blue and white colours at that time were really difficult to obtain. The handsome chap would have been a high-rank nobleman or a Senator. The latter almost impossible due to his young age and his military attire. Notwithstanding, a solid gold.dengyi zhao
Thank you so much for your suggestions! I referenced a photo of a repetition, and indeed it was new knowledge that I needed to learn,Stefano Deliperi 'Davout'PLUS
Sorry, I realised right now that I wrote white instead of red colour. This was the most sought after colour obtained from a sort of mussel. If you look at the iconography of emperors etc. of that time, it was almost an index of their status. Hope it might be useful. Again, your figurine is cracking.Sioux123
Very nice!dengyi zhao
thank youClément Dessertenne
Gold!! Awesome!dengyi zhao
thank you !Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
GOLD!!! Great work!!!dengyi zhao
Thank you, Master!Marc MussatPLUS
Very Nicedengyi zhao
thank youHolger SchwarzPLUS
Simple wonderful and what a beautiful face ! Gold for youeric wolfsPLUS