In private collection.
Squidmar Open 2024: Best Creativity/Originality Award
What do you think/feel when looking at this?
Well, I named this micro diorama "Captive" due its nature. Not a piece I can say much about as I want everyone to interpret on their own. For me, it captures the essence of storytelling in dioramas.
Got the rat sculpt since about four years in my pile of opportunities and always had this idea in mind. Never came around to create it. Now I did. A small, quick project, but with intense impact for me. I feel a lot when I see it and did when I created it. I would even say one of my favourite projects I did in 2024. I painted some white lines inside the glass to make them read as scratches of the rat against the glass.
Rat is by www.johnsmith-modellbau.com
Enjoy and keep on happy painting!
Nice!Roman LappatPLUS
Absolutely marvelous in all its complex simplicity!Roman LappatPLUS
Lovely put, my friend. Thank you!Thorbjorn Barone
Love this one RomanRoman LappatPLUS
Thanks, buddy!Nils Holmbergh
So simple (in a good way) but still filled with emotion. The scratch marks really brings it home for me.Roman LappatPLUS
Excellente idée. Le visuel est vraiment très beau. OrRoman LappatPLUS