I find that as miniature painters, there might be a pressure, a dogma, to paint to the best of your abilities on every project. I really feel that it doesn't reflect to how I paint, how I approach projects. I much prefer to favour case studies, sketches, trying things out on project, abandonning some of them along the way, once the main goal is reached. This is such a project, a few evenings of painting, exploring anatomy, and the variety of shapes and colours that can be found in a human form.
I'm quite happy with this sculpt from kuton.sculpts , among all the overtly sexualized minis one can find, I feel like having more believable physiques, in a non-suggestive pose, is welcomed in this hobby.
These past few weeks have been very hectic with work and a few health issues, so painting has slowed down a bit. It is getting better and I'll have a few more case studies and some exploratory work lined up in the coming weeks.
Tommy Gunn
Very nice effect. I agree about some minis.Ivan Hortal A.PLUS
Good brushstrokes dude.