Another oil painting job. I wanted to portray a goblin on a moonlit night, with a cooling brazier behind his back. He has forged his best dagger and now a drop of magic potion should fill the blade with mighty power.
Very nice scene! You made this character even more evil and cunny with your color choices and level of detail. The focus balance on the scene is just about spot on! Nice!
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Ну вот, на темном фоне вообще бомбаShcheparev_Stanislav (Rebus)
Да, тёмный фон был самым выигрышнымPetr Surenkov
Какой классный гоблин! Отлично!Shcheparev_Stanislav (Rebus)
Спасибо!Maiorov Stepan
Золото, свечение отличноеShcheparev_Stanislav (Rebus)
Стёпа, спасибо!OrigalumPLUS
Он же явно замыслил какую-то пакость! Шикарно!Shcheparev_Stanislav (Rebus)
Вне всяких сомнений, но тут уже заслуга скульптора:)
Хорош. ГолдShcheparev_Stanislav (Rebus)
Огонь!Shcheparev_Stanislav (Rebus)
Приятно!Roman LappatPLUS
Very nice scene! You made this character even more evil and cunny with your color choices and level of detail. The focus balance on the scene is just about spot on! Nice!Shcheparev_Stanislav (Rebus)
thanks Roman! your opinion is always interesting to know!Sioux123
Классно!Shcheparev_Stanislav (Rebus)
Спасибо, старалсяEvgeny Karandashov
Очень круто вышло!