3d printed Dragonpeak Barbarian model with the trying to build some snowy-stormy backdrop. Really enjoying process to put colors on a flat surface. There's nothing to be scared! Thanks to the youtube tutorial from Sam Lenz.
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

  • Shcheparev_Stanislav (Rebus)

    Заслуженное золото!
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    I really like the blue background. Really cool scene for this barbarian and nice paintjob!
    • Oleg "hellogre" Evsiukov

      Roman, thanks very much for all your inspirational things since Massive Voodoo times you did! And I didn't mention in the description, but your latest Ogre Hunter was observed as a reference from all points of view quite precisely, as you may have noticed. Thanks again))