3d printed Dragonpeak Barbarian model with the trying to build some snowy-stormy backdrop. Really enjoying process to put colors on a flat surface. There's nothing to be scared! Thanks to the youtube tutorial from Sam Lenz.
Roman, thanks very much for all your inspirational things since Massive Voodoo times you did! And I didn't mention in the description, but your latest Ogre Hunter was observed as a reference from all points of view quite precisely, as you may have noticed. Thanks again))
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Золт!Oleg "hellogre" Evsiukov
Спс, Иван!)Shcheparev_Stanislav (Rebus)
Заслуженное золото!Oleg "hellogre" Evsiukov
Станислав, большое спасибо!Roman LappatPLUS
I really like the blue background. Really cool scene for this barbarian and nice paintjob!Oleg "hellogre" Evsiukov
Roman, thanks very much for all your inspirational things since Massive Voodoo times you did! And I didn't mention in the description, but your latest Ogre Hunter was observed as a reference from all points of view quite precisely, as you may have noticed. Thanks again))