Work done for a personal project in collaboration with RT Dioramas and AK Interactive
  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Top notch work as always my friend!
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Really cool base and paintjobs. I think that each figure works great as a standalone in the quality of a paintjob - hats off here - the overall composition of the base is off somehow and there is a lack of balance. I believe it is the cow's legs hanging over the base edges. It feels strange - at least to me - I could imagine that half the body of the cow on the base as a cut out with clean edges could have told the same story and would have included the cow less off balance. This is feedback on a high level and just my view. Nonetheless, great painting!
    • Eduardo Fernandez

      Thanks so much!! You're not the first person to tell me this, but I think it's just a habit I have. I really like it when elements of the scene stick out a bit from the base... I don't know why, but I like it. Anyway, you're probably right, because a friend has also mentioned it to me.
  • Clément Dessertenne

    Very nice gold!!
  • Eamon Connerty

    Wow! Amazing work!
  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Fenomenal trabajo, muy preciso y con vivos colores. (pobre vaca)
    • Eduardo Fernandez

      Muchas gracias Tocayo!!! Jajajaj si que me pense bastante lo de la vaca, porque tampoco me hacía mucha gracia. Pero queria hacer algo distinto y fiel con la todas formas como ves no la he dañado muy light!!
  • Secret yannPLUS

    The texture is insane. Beautiful work