Work: concept, conversion, basing, painting,
Size: 32 mm
Manufacturer: Games Workshop
I am creating a series of Warhammer 40k Characters and call this series: Warhammer 40K Iconography, even using gold gilding in it.
This series of small framed tiny portraits will show fictitious characters of this dark universe. I plan to create a long series of these. All in the same frame, but different characters.
This is the first one of the series. It also states in the frame's golden signature that this is the first one. And it goes with a little story:
>>> Becoming Primus on this manufacturing world named "Ragat VI" was always the goal of Luther and his family trained him hard for it. As a small boy they sent him to the best schools, made him journey to other planets and even sent him to military academy. Before he had to serve in the Astra Militarum his father died and he was able to step in his shoes. Taking care of "Ragat VI" is a complex task. Keeping the nobles and rich balanced and happy, while making all large cities and their factories run smoothly and keeping the all the underhive gangs of scum at bay demands all he has learned so far. We will see how long he will last as his father died by strange circumstances. There is still not enough evidence to say if he got killed by scum or by the nobility. <<<
Keep on happy painting!
Eamon Connerty
Cool series! Love the gold foil!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you, Eamon!WojciechBober72
ZłotoMarius "Der Stone "Stein
Ohh Roman !!! Ich bin gespannt auf diese Reihe! Bisher gefällt sie mir super gut! Das du für jeden Charakter noch eine Geschichte schreibst rundet dass ganz ab. Das wird großartig!