This is a piece that I finished a few weeks before going to this years SMC. For some reason I couldnt’ find the right words for at title for it… wich seems a bit ironic, considering the piece.

Its about how communicating can be hard sometimes. Trying to figure out a reply to anything… and not saying the “wrong” thing… is a think I spend too much time thinking about. Sometimes a conversation can feel like it is set to blow up, if you dont manage to find the right words to defuse it.
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    Awesome symbolism
  • Marius "Der Stone "Stein

    Thats the third time. I come back to this diorama. For me its discribes the deconstruction After an argument. Like Thats Not what I meant to Said :) or Like this text: I really have to thiinkabout what I want to tell in an foreign Language. Great Job!
  • Roman Kuznetsov

    Very like the irony in this diorama. And colors great too.
  • Jakob V

    I love it. Brilliant. Editor’s pick