Uttmaar the Hooded (Mighty Dwarfs Project)
by Legion Miniatures
Scale 120 mm
The sculptor Mikhail Molovtsev

When I first became interested in painting figurines, I came across this wonderful miniature painted by Kirill Kanaev and it was a complete delight and ecstasy.
Obsessed with fresh impressions, I immediately ordered it and put it away so as not to spoil it with my clumsy hands.
1.5 years have passed and the desire to paint the gnome surged with terrible force, the miniature was pulled out of the closet and sent to the table for further painting.
What happened in the end can only be judged by you, dear reader, I can only say for myself that I am very pleased with the result, as I initially expected it to be much worse.

Acrylic from Pacific88
Gold from Mont Marte
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    Классика жанра
    • UlliPekka

      Просто "Уан Лаф", шикарнейший скульпт который очень тяжело испортить покрасом) хотя я и пытался)