From a young miniatures brand. It's a Joan of Arc theme that I think is very well designed. Let's face the wind and feel the breath together. I hope you like it.
Great work with the metals, specially the chain mail and sword, A mystic moment receiving the wind of Orleans before the battle. IMHO the two fingers union of the left hand seems weird, due to the cast or modelling.
brilliantEduardo Garcia Lope
Great work with the metals, specially the chain mail and sword, A mystic moment receiving the wind of Orleans before the battle. IMHO the two fingers union of the left hand seems weird, due to the cast or modelling.dengyi zhao
My friend, thank you for your sincere advice. I will continue to adjust this problem to make her look better.Roman LappatPLUS
Beautiful!Alex Minko
J'adore, Or ;)Ivan_Shcheglov
She is beautiful! Gold!!!Steven ZuleskiPLUS
Awesome flesh work, and all of it!