Here is a bit of a special project for me. Earlier this year, I was lucky enough to receive this model thanks to Jakob and sculpted by my friend Leila .

I loved this piece and thought quite early on that this beautiful cocoon would craft a story of love in its purest form.
A few month later, I got confronted by a death in my family. It made me think once more of what death represents. Death in itself, isn't sad, it is a natural process, what is sad, or who are sad, are the people left behind.

Those thoughts and the model accompanied me when a week after that incident when I went to France for an intensive week of painting with Banshee. This week helped me define a bit more my approach to this piece and get extensive feedbacks from all the participants on this.
A couple of month of work later, the project has morphed since it's inception and here we go. I think I detailed enough of the backstory of the project without having to point to a specific interpretation. But it isn't only a story of love in its purest form anymore...
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    Very sensual
  • Steph.DPLUS

    Superbe, vote Or pour toi :)
  • RuiTeves

    Lovely my friend! Gold to you
  • Jakob VPLUS

    Absolutely adore it! Editor’s pick!
  • Janna ‘Moo’

    Beautiful piece!
  • Patrice-VincentPLUS

    Très beau tableau qui, par ce choix de teintes, laisse place à l'imagination (la femme, par exemple, est-elle la représentation onirique d'un être aimé à jamais perdu ?) Or, donc.
  • Patrice-VincentPLUS

    Je viens de lire ta description juste après avoir posté mon commentaire et, ma foi, j'ai l'impression de ne pas être loin de ce que tu as voulu laisser entendre. Preuve (pour moi en tout cas) que cette réalisation est très "parlante" et mérite amplement une médaille d'or
    • Quentin_Poin

      Merci beaucoup Patrice, En effet, tu n'es pas très loin de ce que je cherchais à exprimer :). Content que la fig te plaise!
  • Chris "Thor" B

    A really touching piece. Very nicely done :)
    • Quentin_Poin

      Thank you Chris! I appreciate it.