My author's miniature Octo.
It is made with Super Sculpey FIRM polymer clay, Sculpey III.
Here is a little story I made up for my character.

Meet the alien Octo. Actually, his name is different, I would say that his real name is more like the bubbling sound of a chowder that has been simmering on a slow fire for decades. So I suggest we settle on Octo.
Not much is known about this alien, only that he arrived on Earth as a small cyst in a sealed module. It's also said to have been thrown to us by the energy of an explosion on a planet invaded by Reptilians.
I think you've noticed his hands, and I don't mean the little paws, I mean the metal ones.
There is a rumor, which many believe, that it was Octo who was the first on Earth to curb the neuridium and taught all the tricks to his apprentice, Antistes. Who knows, perhaps it is not only on Earth that there are deposits of this amazing metal. That would explain a lot about the reptilian behavior.
P.S. Octo was last seen in the company of a rag doll. But who knows, maybe it wasn't a doll at all.

The master model is for sale.