Como fan de El Señor de los Anillos, supe desde que comencé en esto de la pintura tenía que hacer algo especial con estas miniaturas de 28mm, algo ambicioso y único. Tuve esta idea a finales del año pasado y, desde entonces, he estado trabajando poco a poco en este proyecto.
EN: The Three Hunters have recruited the Army of the King of the Dead.
As a fan of The Lord of the Rings, I knew from the moment I began this painting journey that I had to do something special with these 28mm miniatures—something ambitious and unique. I came up with this idea at the end of last year, and since then, I’ve been slowly crafting this project.
Cool and recognizable scene! GoldLoren "Mckuin"
Many thanks! :)Tommy Gunn
It looks great.Loren "Mckuin"
I’m very thankful.Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Masterfully doneLoren "Mckuin"
much appreciated!Albert_3d
Love, I miss the movies! You mix perfectly two great scenes on your scene.Loren "Mckuin"
Thank you, your words are greatly appreciated.Holger SchwarzPLUS
Gold for your great work Loren ! BravoLoren "Mckuin"
I’m truly grateful!Steph.DPLUS
Jolie, vote Or pour toi :)Loren "Mckuin"
Thanks!!Mike Reckhaus
Great work - Dynamic, Iconic, GoldLoren "Mckuin"
I’m very thankful.Oscar San MiguelPLUS
Es una absoluta barbaridad de escena. Me encanta. Excelente trabajo. Gold!!!!Loren "Mckuin"
Muchas gracias artista!