Hunt for the Jabberwocky
Hunt for the Jabberwocky
Hunt for the Jabberwocky
“Beware the Jabberwocky. The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird and shun the frumious Bandersnatch”. These words rang in Alyx’s head from the tales her grandmother, Alice, had told her about the magical Wonderland. But this was not the Wonderland her grandmother knew. This place was dark, vicious. A distorted cruel vision of the place her grandmother had known. With the absence of the Red and White Queens, Wonderland had fallen into chaos and all manner of beast roamed free. Alyx rested briefly by the Tick-Tick tree when she heard a noise from her scabbard. She withdrew the Vorpal sword which went snicker snack. The beast was near, and hopefully with its head, they would go galumping back.

Hunt for the Jabberwocky is my latest diorama. It was constructed and painted during some difficult times and I feel some of those emotions are infused in the piece. A big thanks to Ben Komets and alfonso for their guidance. And to David Cowell, TJ Marsh, Tue, and Driodena for their input. I hope you enjoy the piece. Thank you. (Also happy to say the piece won fan favorite at Capital Palette at Nova Open).