This is the result of a two day private coaching with the amazing Roman Lappat.

Thank you Roman! I just love how this pretty model turned out.

Roman also took these amazing photos.
  • OrigalumPLUS

    So cute!

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    I love your version.
    It has been a pleasure teaching an old dog new tricks!
    Thank you for your trust, joy and support my friend!
    She turned out lovely for a two day course result! Well done!
    I am a very proud teacher!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Well I am a very proud student!

  • Hansrainer PeitzPLUS

    Its sooo good :)

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you my friend! Thanks for great travel times. All the talks and the organization.

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    So beautiful!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you my friend! See you soon for more knowledge builup (and beer)

  • Marius "Der Stone "Stein

    So sweat and lovely!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you - very appreciated.

  • Erkka MarttioPLUS

    You achieved a lovely and cozy down to earth atmosphere with this one. Really beautiful work!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks mate. This was so amazing. Highly recommended ;)

  • Michel

    So cute and I love the smooth colours! Excellent!!!

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Appreciated, thanks. Very muted colours :)

  • Štěpán Tichý

    Just so good. Atmosphere pushed to eleven with less punchy colours making a serene piece. Love it so much.

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks! I think that exactly was the point. So I am happy to hear it worked,

  • Albert_3d

    Gnomes! Great execution. Beautiful figure, so lovely.

  • Quentin_Poin

    A bit different than what you tend to paint usually, and I still LOVE what you’ve been doing on this one <3. Such a dreamy model and mood.

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Hi Quintin! Thanks so much. I really like this one myself, although, yes,, from an artistic point of view it is notmal for me. But it was to learn and O really loved finding the character and story :)

  • Stupin Gennady (STP-miniatures)

    She’s beautiful!My applause!Gold!

  • Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS
