I love your version.
It has been a pleasure teaching an old dog new tricks!
Thank you for your trust, joy and support my friend!
She turned out lovely for a two day course result! Well done!
I am a very proud teacher!
Hi Quintin! Thanks so much. I really like this one myself, although, yes,, from an artistic point of view it is notmal for me. But it was to learn and O really loved finding the character and story :)
So cute!Jakob VPLUS
Thanks :) I think so too!!!Roman LappatPLUS
Mmmmhhh. I love your version. It has been a pleasure teaching an old dog new tricks! Thank you for your trust, joy and support my friend! She turned out lovely for a two day course result! Well done! I am a very proud teacher!Jakob VPLUS
Well I am a very proud student!Hansrainer Peitz
Its sooo good :)Jakob VPLUS
Thank you my friend! Thanks for great travel times. All the talks and the organization.Magnus FagerbergPLUS
So beautiful!Jakob VPLUS
Thank you my friend! See you soon for more knowledge builup (and beer)Marius "Der Stone "Stein
So sweat and lovely!Jakob VPLUS
Thank you - very appreciated.Erkka MarttioPLUS
You achieved a lovely and cozy down to earth atmosphere with this one. Really beautiful work!Jakob VPLUS
Thanks mate. This was so amazing. Highly recommended ;)Michel
So cute and I love the smooth colours! Excellent!!!Jakob VPLUS
Appreciated, thanks. Very muted colours :)Štěpán Tichý
Just so good. Atmosphere pushed to eleven with less punchy colours making a serene piece. Love it so much.Jakob VPLUS
Thanks! I think that exactly was the point. So I am happy to hear it worked,Albert_3d
Gnomes! Great execution. Beautiful figure, so lovely.Jakob VPLUS
Thanks so much Albert!Quentin_Poin
A bit different than what you tend to paint usually, and I still LOVE what you've been doing on this one <3. Such a dreamy model and mood.Jakob VPLUS
Hi Quintin! Thanks so much. I really like this one myself, although, yes,, from an artistic point of view it is notmal for me. But it was to learn and O really loved finding the character and story :)STP- miniatures
She's beautiful!My applause!Gold!Jakob VPLUS
Thank you so much!Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS
GoldJakob VPLUS
Appreciated Fabrizio!