This amazing sculpt by Sebastian Archer of veiled lamp miniatures is based on "Abe no Seimei".

Abe no Seimei (安倍 晴明, February 21, 921 A.D. – October 31, 1005) was an onmyōji, a leading specialist of Onmyōdō during the middle of the Heian period in Japan. In addition to his prominence in history, he is a legendary figure in Japanese folklore. He has been portrayed in several stories and films.

Seimei worked as an onmyōji for emperors and the Heian government, advising on the spiritually correct way to deal with issues. He prayed for the well-being of emperors and the government and advised on various issues. He was also an astrologer and predicted astrological events. He enjoyed an extremely long life, free from any major illness, contributing to the popular belief that he had mystical powers.

The Seimei Shrine, located in Kyoto, is a famous shrine dedicated to him. The Abeno train station and district in Osaka are named after him, as it is one of the locations where legends place his birth.

In this project I wanted to create an earthy, organic feeling and explore textures with my painting style. I feel as though I have achieved this but alas as always there are definitely areas I could improve on but alas this is the joy of the journey.

I hope this brings some joy and inspiration to others, and if you want an amazing artistic piece to paint look up veiled lamp, sebastian is a great guy and would massively appreciate any support.
  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Great bust and painting ! My congrats

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Lovely piece!

  • Štěpán Tichý

    I love the bust. It is so big and such a great sculpt and you did it a perfect justice! I think it looks better on the white background and it brings out more of the “simplicity” of the garments. Just awesome!

  • Steph.DPLUS


  • Ildar "Ivy" Valishin

    Great painting!