Bloodbowl Diorama
The latest piece I have completed. I was in the mood to paint something blood bowl, after a failed attempt on another model i was motivated to try again. Low and behold there was a team that was purple (favorite colour) so i got to work. I tried to follow box art put pushed the purple to my purple/pink mix I use. It also developed into a diorama as my base plan didnt make sense for a squad.

Overall I am most happy with I have been able to paint a "squad" as batch painting normally scares me and is the reason I do not have more than one of the same kind of model painted.

I hope you enjoy, im now off to pick the next painful colour to paint that isnt yellow XD
  • Miriam Kleijn

    Great work Ollie!

  • Albert_3d

    Amazing compositing and storytelling, I like the vibrant colors on your minis.

  • Ildar "Ivy" Valishin

    Love this work