"You shall not pass!" - framed diorama
basing, conversion, painting, concept art, art direction
Balrog, 28mm, Games Workshop. Gandalf, 10mm, Varus Miniatures.

My version of this classic duel: I did it different by changing the scale a bit. I love to do this. It can create epic scenes like this one. It is always difficult to create such an iconic scene and in my case I tried to use my will to examine what is usual and give it my own expression and touch. I used a lot of Black 3.0 for the background behind the Balrog and a lot of light is swallowed by this black paint.

A full step by step tutorial is available via my etsy eBooks, but this eBook is also a free give away on my Patreon in July (Tier: Patreon). If you decide to get it, get it via Patreon so you can get all the benefits there too. If you are interested in learning to play the game of scales see this eBook.

Keep on happy painting!
You can follow my work here!
  • spillbobaggins

    An amazing piece, once again, Roman! Even if it wasn’t one of the most famous scenes in literature I would immediately know what the story was because of the masterful composition and painting.

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you very much! I am really glad you like it. Your words are more than a compliment. Thank you!

  • Lea S.

    As I already commented on Patreon. This is my favourite framed diorama of yours so far. The simplicity of it and focus of the scene just make it so impactful.

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Many thanks,Lea. Your comment here and on Patreon made me really happy!

  • Majesty

    Your diorama is like a scene from a movie, and a nice color catches my eye. It’s a good work

  • Miriam Kleijn

    What an amazing piece Roman! I absolutely love it, the scene is so iconic and you capture the atmosphere perfectly.

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Superhappy to hear. It felt difficult tackling such an epic scene that everyone knows already, but I am happy that it turned out well. Many thanks, Miriam.

  • Christoph KPLUS

    Can’t wait to seeing it irl

  • Francesco Thau


  • TimPLUS

    Incredible work replicating an iconic scene! Props for the Black 3.0 usage as well! ii’s a pretty tough paint to use on minis and I have enormous difficulty mixing with it and you’ve made it look easy here!

    Gold and Editors

  • Werner Kellens

    Amazing and not only because it’s LOTR

  • Alena "Siberian_Hydra" Vladimirova

    Great composition!