Orc Kong
Orc Kong
Orc Kong
Orc Kong
Hello fellow artist. This is my most recently completed piece the amazing Orc Kong bust by Lucas Pina.

I missed out on a lot of Lucas’s earlier works. Orc Kong is a piece that I always enjoyed. It’s full of character and has a very natural flow to it. By pure fortune, a friend gave me a copy (yes gave it to me). The very talented and generous Andrew Christopher Wade. Thanks you mate. The only stipulation was that I had to paint it. When I first got the piece I immediately but some paint on it, drawing inspiration from the versions done by Roman Lappat and David Arroba. But it didn’t feel really done. Then I began playing around with it months ago and really pushed myself to finish it. Thanks as always to Alfonso for your guidance my friend. And thank you Wade for giving me the opportunity to paint this wonderful piece.

Those familiar with my work know I often try and tell stories with my art but I really don’t have a particular story for this one. I just love the movement and somewhat cartoonish like nature Lucas places in his sculpts. Maybe Orc Kong is defending his territory or throwing boulders to impress mates. Maybe he’s hitting large game over the head with rocks. But part of me really wonders if he just saw a spider.

I hope you enjoy my version of Orc Kong.