I love the violent expression on this bust and that it has a very graphical feel to it.
The painting went a very different route than I had originaly intended. My first idea was to paint it monochrome green with the shield in red. Then I just decided to play with a more abstract style and use a lot of different colours. Its a bit hard to explain what I actually did. It was a very intuitive and relaxing process - and what more can you hope for
Roman LappatPLUS
I find the colors really brave that you used here and the outcome is beautiful as it puts the skeleton in a magical state. I loved your last sentence of describing the experience of the paintjob! This! Exactly this! Keep on happy painting!Mikkel Frederiksen
Thanks Roman. Its all about reaching that flow state :-)Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
You did some great job hereTommy Gunn
It is very reminiscent of something, a movie where the Greek hero goes into the underworld and fights a skeleton army. Great work and colourisation.Mikkel Frederiksen
Thanks :-) The bust is does have a feeling of old stop motion figures. Part og why I like it :-)Minichix Studio
Great atmosphere!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
ExcellentFabrizio SchiragaPLUS