Here's my take on the Manifest from the upcoming Mindwork Studios kickstarter focused on the art of Brom. Thank you Mindwork Studio for sending this my way!

Refreshing project on a personal level, something cool, relaxed, with no stress and with a very tight focus on the powerful silhouette of this archer. Wanted to keep the colour palette reminiscent of
Brom's art for the Dark Sun campaign setting, for which this artwork was originally done. The figure practically painted itself once I got started on it, flow of happy painting at its best.

Hope you like it as well!

Check the KS at
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Really like your interpretation of this Artwork by BROM. My favourite is the red rim light, the overall warm mood and the venes at his arm. Powerful! Keep on happy painting!

  • ohtek

    Nice osl, gold