Hello everyone,
To cut a long story short, I'm an archaeologist and I had the opportunity to 3D model an ancient Neolithic skull (7000 BP) on one of the sites where I work. I printed it for a scientific exhibition project. My colleagues asked me if I knew a painter who could make it look realistic. I smiled stupidly when I realised I was going to paint for work.
When my colleagues saw the result, they gave me lots of painting jobs (ceramics, flint, etc.).
This skull comes from the Menneville site in northern France.
The body was found with a stake through the abdomen, the left arm torn off and the skull destroyed. At the time, he had no mobile phone and no social networks. People had healthy joys and knew how to have fun with very little.
I hope you enjoy this interlude in the hobby.

the scale is 1/2
  • Patrice-VincentPLUS

    Très intéressant et original sujet qui sort franchement de l'ordinaire. Or
    • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

      Salut, merci beaucoup pour ton retour. J'ai hésité à l poser sur putty and paint car ce n'est plus vraiment de la figurine ou plutôt c'est de la figurine préhistorique :) ... on verra si ce sujet intéresse les foules Merci à toi
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    A very interesting subject! Well done!
    • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

      HI Roman, Thanks so much for your comment. I'm exploring a new way of painting in the border of science and art. Glad you like it