Legion Miniatures 90mm<br />
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  • fabrizio1969PLUS

  • girlpainter57

    great job
  • Marc MussatPLUS

    very nice !
  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    God work Theo, dynamic and pair, and clean painting
  • Franky2PLUS

    Great ambience of battle Gold
    • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

      Thank you Franky. The poses and the faces are very helpful making such a scene. Maybe I will return for more shadows on the armor plates.
  • Sergey Cheremshantsev

  • eric wolfsPLUS

  • Evgeny Golubev

    very nice ! gold
  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS

  • Franky2PLUS

    For shure ,you can have your opinion about my figures. However, you can notice that everybody here put a comment. that seems me correct.. May be you don not have time for that exept going back on the site and put penalties. So I will comment myself my figure "Bandido mexicano" Effectively the painting is not very precise. Just an explanation: the sculpture had a lot of defaults on the face : I had to sculpt again the eyes for example and so the result is not that bad.. My target with tis figure was to give a feeling od extrem warm. I think that I reached this target.