Hi everyone!
Finished this one up after working on it for a while. <br />
Had a great time painting it and playing more with color. I had this idea of a warrior standing on top of a pile of skulls at end of a battle, managed to get hold of a ton of skulls and sculpt the base for it. <br />
Hope you like it!
  • OrigalumPLUS

    Very good interpretation of the basing! Skulls pile suits him really good! Gold!
    • RuiTeves

      Thank you very much!!
  • Steph.DPLUS

    Gold ;)
    • RuiTeves

      Thank so much!!
  • Capoch

    I've started painting Iorghu myself :) Nice painting and cool base. Gold!
    • RuiTeves

      Ah cool! It’s a challenging model with all the little details from different materials. Hope you have fun painting him!
  • Matthew BPLUS

    really nice tone! Gold.
    • RuiTeves

      Thank you very much!