I did cut some things off the model since I don't like some of the cluttery details on there, like the banner and some dangly bits.
I could continue refining this forever, but at some point enough is enough and I have definitely reached that point!
I'm very pleased with the end result. It has flaws, but that is ok ^^ I have to call it at some point and I'm already looking forward to the next project.
Love, Mir
So vibrant and juicy colors and realistic NMM! Gold!Miriam Kleijn
Thank you so much :DMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
great color balance!Miriam Kleijn
Thank you!girlpainter57
goldMiriam Kleijn
ThanksAtila KawautiPLUS
I love the NMM gold!Miriam Kleijn
Thanks ^^Mariano del Olmo
Beautiful painting Miriam! So colorful. Gold! Best,Miriam Kleijn
Thank you Mariano!