Painting took me for several months but I really wanted to give her a lot of individuality (just like cyberpunk means) so spent a lot time with free-hand and defining of who she will be - cunning netrunner or maybe savage solo? Finally I decided not to limit her and gave her Damascus steel arms to make it unbreakable lethal weapon and at the same time I decorated her body with precious stones, which should emphasize her femininity. And where would she go without a drop of luck? ;)
I also wanted to try holographic effect on her jacket and skirt and I'm quite satisfied with the result!
Although I really got tired with her, I still happy with the final result!
When my girl saw it, she recognized herself and demanded it to her collection at once :D
Hope you'll like it! Happy watching :)
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Иван, благодарю! Рад, что работа понравилась )Franky2PLUS
A lot of creative colors and huge workOrigalumPLUS
Thank you, mate!Mariano del Olmo
Gold, amazing and very creative Origalum! Best, MarianoOrigalumPLUS
Thank you, Mariano!Tommy Gunn
I love it and I can see why your girlfriend did too.OrigalumPLUS
Thank you, Tommy! I'm happy you like it )Francesco ThauPLUS
Thank you, Francesco!Marius "Der Stone "Stein
Really great. I like the colours of the skirt!OrigalumPLUS
Thank you, Marius! I'm happy you like it!Patrice-VincentPLUS
Très beau jeu de lumières et belle variation de couleurs. OrOrigalumPLUS
Thank you, Patrice-Vincent! Can't help but love this color scheme )Duncan Weatherhead (donchadminis)
Beautiful vibrant piece, the dynamic lighting is awesomeOrigalumPLUS
Thank you, Duncan!Eamon Connerty
Awesome work! Gold from me!OrigalumPLUS
Thank you, Eamon! I'm happy you like it!vincenzo gambinoPLUS
great ... goldOrigalumPLUS
Vincenzo, thanks!Stanislav_Musevich
Золото, однозначно!)OrigalumPLUS
Станислав, благодарю за оценку! Рад, что понравилась работа! )Holger SchwarzPLUS
Great Origalum ! Colored and light flash ....Best greetsOrigalumPLUS
Thank you, Holger! I appreciate your vote and comment!Ville Nurmi
Looking good I really like the beautiful tattoos. Gold.OrigalumPLUS
Thank you, Ville!Steph.DPLUS
Gold ;)OrigalumPLUS
Thank you, Steph!RuiTeves
Awesome use of colors to build up the scene. Well done!OrigalumPLUS
Thank you! I'm happy you like it! )ohtek
Wow wonderful!goldOrigalumPLUS
Thank you, mate!Ildar "Ivy" Valishin
Неоновая подсветка очень нравится. Мозг так и рисует окружение из Киберпанк 2077OrigalumPLUS
Благодарю! Как раз им и вдохновлялся (как, судя по всему, и скульптор) ))Anton Kolychev
Шикарно. Очень понравился стиль. ЗолотоOrigalumPLUS
Благодарю, Антон! Я старался попасть в киберпанк, и судя по реакции зрителей, мне удалось! Очень рад, что работа понравилась )Vladimir_Golubev
Владимир, благодарю!Carlo
Incredible paintjob and light effects, gold!!OrigalumPLUS
Thank you!Becky Short
nice! love the lighting and the overall feel of this. Beautiful work! Gold :)OrigalumPLUS
Thank you, Becky! I'm happy you like it!Marc MussatPLUS
super work ! amazing !OrigalumPLUS
Thank you, Marc!Evgeny Golubev
Супер работа! Золото.OrigalumPLUS
Блгодарю, Евегений. Очень рад, что работа понравиласьJohn Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Gold :) greetings and support to the sovereign state of Ukraine :) amazing artists and people. Love from the states.OrigalumPLUS
Thank you, JohnRoman LappatPLUS
This is so wild and crazy and good at the same time! Voted Gold and Editor's choice!Marc Revés
Amazing tattoos!!OrigalumPLUS
Thank youMonica Lopes "Mo_nyx"
wow, im love this paintjobOrigalumPLUS
Thank you!Kilsh
Beautiful gold!OrigalumPLUS
Thank you!