Tamiya Oldy Africa Corp Infantryman, dated 1971 - I had a Great Time Painting This Fellow
Tamiya Oldy Africa Corp Infantryman, dated 1971 - I had a Great Time Painting This Fellow
Tamiya Oldy Africa Corp Infantryman, dated 1971 - I had a Great Time Painting This Fellow
Tamiya Oldy Africa Corp Infantryman, dated 1971 - I had a Great Time Painting This Fellow
Tamiya Oldy Africa Corp Infantryman, dated 1971 - I had a Great Time Painting This Fellow
Tamiya Oldy Africa Corp Infantryman, dated 1971 - I had a Great Time Painting This Fellow
Tamiya Oldy Africa Corp Infantryman, dated 1971 - I had a Great Time Painting This Fellow
Tamiya Oldy Africa Corp Infantryman, dated 1971 - I had a Great Time Painting This Fellow
Tamiya Oldy Africa Corp Infantryman, dated 1971 - I had a Great Time Painting This Fellow
After years this is the first time I painted a figure just for fun and without caring for the result. Just have some time leaving my mind out of the reality and travel to the Desert...A romantic mood drove me to paint this one straight from the box and I add only the sling for the machine gun and the chin strap of the helmet. I tried for first time Green Stuff World Primers (matt Black 1740 and Matt Cream 3550) and I really was pleased as the primed surface was dead matt. Going my tests further I painted using other's company's hues (Vallejo Model Color and Panzer Aces) that were have good "sitting" on the Green Stuff World Primers. Some lining and slapchop with Burnt Umber 941 highly diluted with Glaze Medium but working the paint so not to sit a lot in the crevices! Take under consideration that I spent only 8-10 hours including assembly and gluing! Do not forget the meaning of our HOBBY:
Have Great Time and Fun by doing it!
  • Tommy Gunn

    Well done on what is a really old figure. I will be attempting the same for a group build later in the year.
  • Stelios DemirasPLUS

    Dear Tommy, thank you! Take under consideration that I spent only 8-10 hours including assembly and gluing!
  • Yannis V. Papadopoulos
