A team led by a mysterious figure arrives in the territory of the Hand of God. During the journey, one team member has already died, and the remaining three must battle the Hand of God to bring back the deceased for burial. The future looks grim; wishing them good luck.
Alexey "Annaero" KrikunovPLUS
Thanks~Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
deserves much more pics. and only gold杨HEHE
Очень атмосферная работа! Однозначно золото杨HEHE
СпасибоHolger SchwarzPLUS
This is amazing ! only Gold杨HEHE
Thanks~Janna ‘Moo’
Wish I could see more pictures. Great piece!杨HEHE
Thanks, regular users can only upload four images...Davide Rapazzini
evocative!! gold for me!杨HEHE
Yes epic and huge GoldSergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Top level!!!杨HEHE
wo!Thanks!!Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov
I think I now know the winner of Poots painting contest. Gold!杨HEHE
Thanks, there will be better works, but it doesn't stop us from enjoying the competition!Ildar "Ivy" Valishin
Scene and osl is insane! Gold