Lost his hands a good while back. Found them recently again thankfully and continued on with him right away.
This was a really tough one. Painted in two different stages of my journey. Started him in the wrong order. Did his robe and had to be careful painting all of the rest him. And this is on heavy model!
Painted in acrylics. True metals for the instruments. Nmm gold for the trims. My second proper go and first success at nmm. Happy with how that turned out.
Awesome sculpt. Very cool to paint.
Hope you enjoy the viewing! :)
Marius "Der Stone "Stein
The hat is really cool.ColinHanney
Thank you Marius! I was quite happy with that idea when it came to me :)Franky2PLUS
Wow many thanks :)Holger SchwarzPLUS
Great colores and painting !Simon Donnelly
Brilliant! I particularly like the galaxy crown of the hat.