My last completed miniature is Nobile Russo by Pegaso Models in 75mm scale. The miniature is painted with oils over acrylic. More photos can be found on my FB page
  • Franky2PLUS

    Splendid painting Gold
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    Totally great concept and painting, bravo! Voted gold
  • SuchacPLUS

    Cau Jakube, Absolutely stunning paintwork! I’m eager to know which oils you opted for. And the fish, is that a painted detail on the base? Appreciate it! Cheers, Martin
    • Jakub Houska

      Thank you very much. You mean specific shades or brand of colors. I use different colors, Umton, Winsor Newton, Schmincke.
    • Jakub Houska

      The fish are made from Milliput, painted separately and then glued on the base.
  • Tommy Gunn

    Add a comment
    • Tommy Gunn

      Did you make the resin base yourself? Looks excellent.
    • Jakub Houska

      Yes, I made it myself, I used Resin Water from AK
  • Vitaly Lapshin

  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Superb painting work and concreteness of concept, two planes of reality. Beautiful.
  • Michаil_Malinin

    Отличная работа. Золото.
  • Sergey Popovichenko

  • fabrizio1969PLUS

  • fabrizio1969PLUS

  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Great work and very nice painting ! Gold for you
  • Adrian SmithPLUS

    Very nice work. Gold from me.
  • ohtek

    Wow...great base! Gold
  • Mariano del Olmo

    Gold, great painting Jakub! Best, Mariano
  • MartinSporka

    Wonderful job Jakub!
  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos
