de temps réduit, elle n'est pas aussi réussi que je l'aurais voulu.
This Funky Space Tagada is a gift for a good friend of mine, leaving France to work in China. This mini is a whole private joke between us. Painted in a small lapse of time, it is not as good as I wanted.
Roman LappatPLUS
man, htis is freaky and a great gift!Jerome "Myrddin" Servais
Thank's Roman, I had a lot of fun to paint this one. My friend seems liked it.John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Really wonderful paintingJerome "Myrddin" Servais
Thanks John.John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Great gift and I just gave you your 10th vote here's your well deserved medal m8 great job