Hello, my friends! New work I have recently finished. It is Gurrts figure from Blood Carrot Knights inspired by legendary Manga "Berserk". All options are magnetized, backdrop images are the frames from original anime.
I really like the paintjob on this bad-ass character! I understand the backdrop images, but personally do not like it as they kind of distract from the beautiful paintjob. I would at least ask for one normal photo. Supercool project! Keep on happy painting!
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Еще один маленький шедевр)Nik "Surovye Skazki" Panfilov
Как тут не поголдить? Прально. Никак :DRoman LappatPLUS
I really like the paintjob on this bad-ass character! I understand the backdrop images, but personally do not like it as they kind of distract from the beautiful paintjob. I would at least ask for one normal photo. Supercool project! Keep on happy painting!Roman Kuznetsov
Without helmet he's better. Good boy!