painted with brush and airbrush.
Using vallejo acrylic paints, Liquitex inks, Windsor & Newton oil paints.
Base purchased through my friend over Pete's Bases UK
Lovely little figure which proved challenging, for me at least :)
Might do some touching up working on highlights. Never finished ;)
Hope you all like it
pictures taken with my phone.
Atila KawautiPLUS
Nice work!Manowar
Thanks Atila ! appreciate itRoman LappatPLUS
True, we are never finished with a project, but I'd say it is healthier to start a new one. She looks well done. I do like the purple bounce light on her leg, I do miss it on the stones. Good work! Keep on happy painting!Manowar
Ho Roman, thanks for your comment. I understand what your are saying. I have toned down the purple bounce on the stones a couple of times because it was just a little too much. I agree with you, it could add a little bit extra when it reflects on the stones more. If i revisit this fig, I will remember this input. Thanks for sharing your comment and looking at my figure. cheers !!