Long time no post, but I think now it's time to reactivate Putty&Paint; :D
I startet the Battlesister at a workshop with Tamer Widerspan and painted her over 6 months piece for piece and detail for detail.
I'm very happy how she turns out and looking forward to paint more miniatures in this style.
An impressive piece of yours. Many things to like on her. The base is lovely too and I love how subtle the base reflects a bit on the bounce light of the armour from below! Well done! Keep on happy painting!
Christoph KPLUS
Super klasse :-)Tommy Gunn
Very classy.Evgeny Karandashov
Gold!Roman LappatPLUS
An impressive piece of yours. Many things to like on her. The base is lovely too and I love how subtle the base reflects a bit on the bounce light of the armour from below! Well done! Keep on happy painting!Ocarina
Thank you all for your nice words! <3