This is my take on the Mermaid of Warsaw..
I tried to create something more classical and Caravaggian. I especially liked the facial expression, which truly exceeded my expectations.
I have learned so much in skintone and overall planning from the process.
I hope you like it too :D
Espectacular!Holger SchwarzPLUS
Yes Moses , es ist ein Prozess , indem Du Dich meisterhaft entwickelst . Das ist für mich deutlich zu erkennen . Es wirkt wie ein altes wunderschönes Gemälde . Es ist wirklich schön , das Du diese Gabe hast . Meine Gratulation an Dich - ich bin sehr beeindruckt von Deinem könnenMarc Revés
Great job...congratsIhmotep
Like it very much !eric wolfsPLUS
gold !Tapio SalminenPLUS
Your work just keeps getting better. I absolutely adore the painterly look. Something to aspire to!Luis UgartePLUS
Is beatiful!.Successful color palette. GoldSteph.DPLUS
Magnifique, vote immense OrEugene Dravskikh
Wow! Very impressive!Clive Jackson
Spectacular! Gold!Gaëlle L'Houé
Very Beautiful !! Gold.Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS
You are an absolute beast!Roman LappatPLUS
Your work is so inspiring and truely something different. I am a big fan! Gold and Editors choice from my side!Frédéric BISSEUX (MINOS)
j'adore cette palette originale pour une sirène, c'est très inspirant. Il y a un côté très romantique dans cette peinture, j'adore !Archigrog
Absolutly Stunning...can give more then Gold?? Platinum medal!ohtek
Always amazing!John Delamere
Good workCarlos Tobes "Fire Brush"
Great work! the atmosphere of the figure is perfectPeter (Chilwd)
holy crap Moses, you keep putting up these awesome pieces! very inspiring!