Sculpted by Ron Tunison. Painted in artist’s oils over enamels.
  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Very impressive and fine horses ! My congrats
  • Tommy Gunn

    Very fine.
  • Steph.DPLUS

    Très beau Napoleon, bravo l'ami, vote grand Or pour toi, si tu veux voir ma vitrine !!!!
  • Patrice-VincentPLUS

    Joli Napoléon et pommelage du cheval plutôt réussi. Or
  • Steven ZuleskiPLUS

    Flesh tones are very realistic and the Big Dog paint is impressive, Gold!
  • Rhiana, "Cyradis"

    Nice dappling on the horse!
  • Clive Jackson

    Excellent! Long live the Emperor! Gold!