This is the first time I've used such small figurines. The set was painted in acrylic, and all your comments will be welcome.
This is the first time I've used such small figurines. The set was painted in acrylic, and all your comments will be welcome.
Great sense of action Eric. Each figure is a character in its owneric wolfsPLUS
Thank you Girlpainter. I tried to customize every character in this scene. Many thanks for your votevincenzo gambinoPLUS
great scene ... top gold :)eric wolfsPLUS
Great thanks Vincenzo !ohtek
Wow gold!!eric wolfsPLUS
Great thanks Ohtek !!OrigalumPLUS
You-ve decided to try small scale? ) Nice result )eric wolfsPLUS
Yes, this is my first try with such small figurines. Thank tou for voteSteph.DPLUS
Vote grand Or pour toi, j'adore tes scénettes, c'est Superbe ....eric wolfsPLUS
Merci Steph, de tels compliments sont toujours agréables ! Et merci pour ton vote.Patrice-VincentPLUS
Bel ensemble, à cette échelle. Oreric wolfsPLUS
Merci l'ami :))Holger SchwarzPLUS
I like the szenerie ! Ful off details .... My best congrats Ericeric wolfsPLUS
Vielen Dank, es ist immer eine Freude, dass Sie meine Leistungen verfolgen und wertschätzen. Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung und Ihre StimmenMagnus FagerbergPLUS
Wow mate, impressive!eric wolfsPLUS
Great thanks Magnus. I'm very honored by your attention !Rhiana, "Cyradis"
Nice to get a group of figures all together like this, and have all of them unique. Great to try new scales to paint. 28-32mm is a lot different than larger scales - easy in some ways, harder in others. The figures do need a lot more definition and shading, however. There are also tricks for getting perceived precision on the tiny faces which would help give them life. Hope the small scale was fun! I've always enjoyed them.eric wolfsPLUS
Thank you Rhiana for Bronze Vote. Have you ever tried to paint miniatures at this scale, and especially the faces, to bring them to life?Luis UgartePLUS
What work! Congratulations Eric! Small scales are not easy to least for me! Gold!eric wolfsPLUS
Great thanks Luis :))youngin
amazing!gold!eric wolfsPLUS
Great thanks YounginMarc MussatPLUS
très sympa ! beau dio qui rend bien à cette échelle !eric wolfsPLUS
Merci Marc. Je dois dire que le coté répétitif etait un peu pénible a la fin, mais au final, je suis content d'avoir été jusqu'au bout.Sergey Cheremshantsev
Nice scene! Gold!eric wolfsPLUS
Thank you Sergey ! :))fabrizio1969PLUS
oro,supereric wolfsPLUS
Great thanks Fabrizio !! :)))Francesco ThauPLUS
Golderic wolfsPLUS
Great thanks Francesco :)Poliakov_Andrii
GOLD!!!!eric wolfsPLUS
Great thanks Andrii !!Clive Jackson
Amazing work at this scale!! Gold of course!eric wolfsPLUS
Great thanks Clive :))Fabien DOUGNIER
Joli travail sur ces petites fig Éric !eric wolfsPLUS
Merci Fabien. Premiere fois à si petite échelle, mais certainement pas la dernière. , je me suis bien amusé !Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Good!!!eric wolfsPLUS
Great thanks Sergey !!Chris B
This is really nice for such small figures. When I saw the first photo I thought they'd be larger, so to see they're 1:72 is impressive. You've put a characterful scene together with plenty of detail :)eric wolfsPLUS
Great thanks Chris. It was very funny to me for painting it.Evgeny Golubev