This is my version of this gorgeous model from @squidmarminiatures Kickstarter & Sculpted by @joapala.
Hope you like it, and more pictures coming soon.
The owl is from @oliver_spaeth

Also it is my first diorama and resin pouring. Really afraid of doing the resin at the end, but I think it ended nice. Could be better, but could be very worse too. I’m happy.
Hope you like it!
  • Steph.DPLUS

    Gold ...
  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Gran trabajo! me gusta la paleta de colores elegida! Oro
    • Rafael Guasco (@miniaturestrokes)

      Muchas gracias Luis! ha sido un reto buscar un enfoque "diferente" al boxart. Bueno, obviamente no me puedo comprarar con Erik, jeje... He hecho lo mejor que he podido. Gracias de nuevo!
  • ohtek

    Gold! Massive goblin!