Not today. Please not today. Ugh had purchased the run down establishment with a handful of gold and some odds and ends a few weeks ago. It was his dream to bring his mother’s homemade dishes to the folks living here in Schitty Creek Run. Today was an important day. The critic from the local paper was here to sample his fine cuisine. Ugh would make his mother’s famous chicken and biscuits. But Matilda, the hen, was not cooperative. He had brought her to the kitchen but when he reached for the clever she went crazy. Knocking over pots and pans while she flew about the kitchen. Where had Matilda disappeared to? And what would Ugh serve? <br />
The Greasy Spoon is my take on a Troll’s version of fine dining. This is an idea that’s floated around in my head for awhile. I want to thank Alfonso for the foundations he has taught me and especially thank Ben for all of his guidance in the construction and painting of this project. <br />
Anyway I hope you enjoy all the stories in the piece with the hidden chicken, the eggs, and the “extra “ seasoning dripping into the goat head stew.
Say, anybody ever hear from that health inspector that dropped in on Ugh’s place? He should have been back hours ago.
Love this work, bud. Your control of the light does wonders in making sense of a very chaotic scene.
Nice chief of this dinery! ))Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
Thanks!Marc Revés
Great diorama!!! GoldChris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
Thanks! and love the nameMartinSporka
Beautiful concept and execution! I love Ugh at work and his menu! :)Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
Thanks. So what item would you like from his menu? :)Rhett “Saint Toad” Jenkins
Say, anybody ever hear from that health inspector that dropped in on Ugh’s place? He should have been back hours ago. Love this work, bud. Your control of the light does wonders in making sense of a very chaotic scene.Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
Thank you brother. I appreciate that. As for the health inspector.....did you ever see that one episode of Spongebob?Steph.DPLUS
Gold :)Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
thanks!Jakob VPLUS
Really love it. Brilliant. Gold and editor’s pickChris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
Thanks and thank you for the editor pick.Eamon Connerty
Amazing work! Gold!Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
Thanks!Janna ‘Moo’
Ugh got a chuckle out of me.;) Nice concept!Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
Every detail is superb and funny. GoldChris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
Thanks!Roman LappatPLUS
As said elsewhere: This is a top noch diorama. Lovely, storytelling basing and beautiful painting. Editor's choice from my side!Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
Thank you maestro. Always thrilled when you enjoy one of my pieces.Erkka MarttioPLUS
What a cool diorama filled with fun details filled with story, amazing job!Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
Excellent storytelling!Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
Absolutley stunning dude. There's just so much to see and marvel over! Gold and editorsChris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
Really glad you like the piece Tim. Thx.Peter (Chilwd)
Love it! the scene made me laugh!Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
Thanks!Francisco Pérez (Pakiano, Pakoso)
Genial, no solo la ejecución, sino tambien la idea, maravilla, gracias por compartirla. Saludosvincenzo gambinoPLUS
amazing ..goldohtek
Gold!Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov
Gold!Nate CooperPLUS
Epic! And cat hair for the *chef’s kiss* ;)Frédéric BISSEUX (MINOS)
J'ai adoré, et avec la petite histoire c'est tip top !!! Un grand bravo pour la composition et la foule de petits détails ...Eszter
This painting was my favorite, what i saw in Monte San Savino! Absolutely gold