This is a project that I finished recently, and I finally took some pictures.
It is probably the smallest model that I have also completed, so painting the details has been very challenging.
I experimented a little more with rim lights, and I think I am improving regarding the balance between impact and consistency.
For this one, I tried to create a more normal samurai look instead of the vibe of the original design/boxart.
I really love the facial expression I created, although I hope I could paint the details more precisely.
Overall, I am happy with the result. I hope you like it too :D
Eduardo Garcia Lope
Fabulous work in all areas and details, dark ambient perfectly achieved, top work with the face in the center of it all.Marc Revés
Amazing work!Julien Alexiel
Amazing !Holger SchwarzPLUS
Sehr schöne Leistung !Steph.DPLUS
Fabuleux Moses, immense Or :):)Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Fantastic, I love it!joseluiscabrera
WonderfullRoman LappatPLUS
That face is ace!Martin Lavat
µThis is wichcraft!!!Steve Garcia
Great atmosphere and execution. Congrats!John Delamere
Gorgeous work! Love it.Marian Hodas
Great atmosphere Excellent work