Really beautiful print and sculpt from ritual casting, might be i'll try to improve this work later on when i'll get more experience.
not easy to try to make it coherent, even with good advice from other people
Good painting! Although NMM on girl's hip armor reflects daylight sky and environment while nothing else reflects it. Skintone and shadows make feeling that the scene passes in come cave, but still it looks great Gold!
thanks lot.
Yeah taking picture is not something i master, and the diorama is quite big so many thing to consider.
Then for the light source choice i might have been lost as well
Magnifique Huby, vote grand Or pour toi l'ami :):)Huby
Merci beaucoup ;)Mariano del Olmo
Huby, great painting! Gold!Huby
thanks, happy you like itMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
great scene, gildedHuby
Glad you liked it, thanksSteph.DPLUS
Tu votes pas pour les autres l'ami ?Huby
c'est à dire? les autres projets du moment? Si ça m'arrive de voter mais je ne passe pas souvent sur le siteOrigalumPLUS
Good painting! Although NMM on girl's hip armor reflects daylight sky and environment while nothing else reflects it. Skintone and shadows make feeling that the scene passes in come cave, but still it looks great Gold!Huby
thanks lot. Yeah taking picture is not something i master, and the diorama is quite big so many thing to consider. Then for the light source choice i might have been lost as wellgirlpainter57
beautiful OSLHuby
thanks loteric wolfsPLUS
Belle peinture, une réussite ! Vote OrHuby
merci beaucoupLuis UgartePLUS
Great job! Gold!Huby
thanks lotsvincenzo gambinoPLUS
Très belles couleurs chaudes Or